Tim Tebow's Super Bowl ad

Isn't all the "furor" about Focus on the Family's pro-life ad a bit crazy? The ad will star Tim Tebow and his mother. She has a real pro-choice story, one where she chose to give birth to her child over the advice of a doctor. Why is this genuine story so bad? Clearly, it's not.

I love the column written in Tuesday's Washington Post by Sally Jenkins. She personally favors the pro-choice policy, yet she applauds this ad as a healthy part of public discourse. And she excoriates groups like the National Organization for Women who reveal their intolerant stance in discussions like this one about Tebow's ad.

You may or may not agree with Tebow's method of wearing his faith so visibly on his shirt sleeve. Contrast his style with that of Colt McCoy who is equally passionate about his faith but much less obvious about it. But you have to admire Tebow's passion and devotion. In my opinion, the church needs all kinds of gifts, styles and ways of working.

For what it's worth, I can recommend this article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/01/AR2010020102067.html?referrer=emailarticle

In His grace, Jason


Andy said…
Good word Jason. Thanks for putting your thoughts out there.

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