Forgiveness vs. Transactional Forgiveness
Transactional forgiveness says, "I forgive you, but you
have to grovel and be in the doghouse for a long time."
Plain forgiveness says, "I forgive you."
Transactional forgiveness says, "I forgive you, but I'm
going to hold this over your head as long as I like."
Forgiveness says, "I forgive you."
Transactional forgiveness says, "I forgive you, but
from now on you'll never be equal to me."
Forgiveness says, "I forgive you."
Transactional forgiveness says, "I'll forgive you if
you somehow do enough to prove to me that you've earned it."
Plain forgiveness says, "I forgive you."
Transactional forgiveness flows out of fury & rage.
Forgiveness flows out of love.
Transactional forgiveness comes from a heart filled with the
fear of deprivation.
Forgiveness comes from a heart filled with gratitude for
God's abundant provision.
Which one do you most often practice ... with your spouse?
with your kids? with your brothers & sisters? with your friends? with those
who hurt you?
Richard Bailey MTW Church Planter Perth Australia.