Re-Imagining What It Means to "Do Church" in 21st-Century America
Fifteen visits spread out over twenty-one days in the United Kingdom. It's been a whirlwind tour.
I've visited with lay leaders and clergy. With those launching Christian communities in new developments. With those trying to renew a sense of mission in ancient, dying parishes. With those bringing new forms of Christian community alongside traditional worshiping assemblies. With budding enterprises in rural villages and creative outreach in urban areas. With leaders whose churches no longer meet on Sundays, or no longer use their sanctuaries. With churches who have transformed or rebuilt their spaces. With churches who have one vicar for eight congregations. With churches who have hired innovative lay leaders to reach out in their communities. With Anglicans. Baptists. Methodists. Scottish Presbyterians. And with those who coach, train and inspire these folks.
I'm hardly the first person to have experienced such a journey or visited these church settings. But I don't know of anyone else in Churches of Christ who has done this. Or who has come asking the questions I'm asking.
What I've learned is overwhelming. This trip has rekindled in me the missionary training and spirit that first led me into full-time ministry. I'm excited for the dramatic shift that is occurring in my thinking. Bu where will it all lead? That's a good question.
As I process all this, I don't want to stuck in the mode of thinking. I want to see my feet (and maybe your feet?) go into action. So I'm going to process my thoughts out loud with those willing to listen. Over the next few weeks, I'll share 5 or 6 (still deciding) key observations I've seen that appear to be crucial.
Through these things, I am beginning to get some new imagination for what it might mean to "do church" in 21st-century America. I think this might help us get "unstuck" from the gridlock and paralysis we currently experience. I hope you'll join me in this journey. And if you have thoughts, questions or ideas, please reach out to me!
Grace and peace - Reg