Starting Off

One should normally listen to wise counsel.

I am not a blogger. I don't have enough "material" to write entertaining blog posts AND interesting sermons -- or so it seems. My wife is much cleverer writer than I. Me? I'm still an engineer by training. The right side of my brain must be regularly shocked into alertness and activity to keep the left (or "a.r.") side from overdoing it. So trying to grab people's attention through a blog doesn't seem like a worthwhile venture for me.

But I received some excellent advice about needing to connect with the College Church & with others not just through the spoken word on Sundays but also through the written or virtual word through the week. So I'm pushing myself out of the comfort zone and risking a bit more in order to connect with a few who will want to listen and dialogue in this way.

For those in the College Church who read this blog, I want you to know how much I value the shared process of listening to God, seeking Him & living for Him. This blog is not about self-promotion or humor at the expense of others. It's a tool for communicating things that don't always fit into a sermon; for connecting in ways that are unique to the worldwide web; and for challenging us all to stretch in our thoughts & actions.

For those outside the College Church--either those who stumble across this blog or who I know from elsewhere--I want you to know that you are welcome to observe or participate -- as you wish. May God's peace be with you!

More to come...


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