What are the Strengths of the College Church?

Just curious about a couple things: (1) Is anyone actually reading this blog yet? Probably not, but I am curious. (2) What are the strengths of the College Church? If we're going to build on something -- and I know we will -- what exactly are the healthy foundations already in place?


kdildine said…
I have been reading your blog. I don't have time at the moment to comment on question 2, but there are jlockeblog readers out here!
Thurman8er said…
1) Yup.

2) Many. Generosity. Care for each other and for strangers. Authenticity. A good grounding in Bible knowledge. Willingness to get involved. And those are just off the top of my head.
Brady said…
No, nobody is reading the blog.

Don't get me started on number 2.

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